Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 16, down 10 pounds

So today I am trying to break my plateau - again. I think the eggs in the morning have something to do with it. And for some reason I think that if I'm not feeling SOME hunger pain, then I am not really losing weight, and my scale readings reflect this. If I have one or two slight hunger feelings a day I'll drop a half a pound.

I wonder if making cream of mushroom soup and taste testing it had an effect. Either way, I didn't eat it for dinner, I had a spinach salad with oven roasted chicken, carrots, and sugar snap peas. Yum dee dum, I'm guessing 300 calories?

Today I haven't had anything to eat yet and I am going to have a steak and an apple for dinner. I guess I was supposed to eat 6 apples to get rid of my plateau, but I don't really wanna eat that much sugar. And I haven't been hungry all day until right about now (4:30pm)... so time to throw the meat in the oven.

Tomorrow am I will have two eggs again because I'm certain I'll be raging hungry in the morning. My daughter keeps waking up very early and I wake up with her. Before starting the diet I was sleeping in until about 10am, granted the time did change, so I guess the "time" was 9am. Now I am up at 7:30am and stirring around the kitchen making everyone breakfast.

So not only am I living a life with more energy, I am also living with less sleep and more time to my day. Hooray!

I am "STUCK" at 155 now though. But I don't know if I can say that if I dropped from 156 a few days ago. Its as if my weight loss is incremental, not stalled, like .25 # a day? I am hoping tomorrow will be 154 and then I can push the boundaries of my body's set weight. 5 more days left and then I will be starting the maintennance phase. Please please please be 150 by the end! That'll mean 15 pounds in 21 days. And I think I can get out another 5 pounds with the SlenderFX shake and by managing my portions.

I made a video blog/vlog for youtube (sorry no makeup. I'm not lazy - no oils/lotions for the program remember?)

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